SaltyGits is a mature guild with a RL focus, but we haven't missed an AOTC since inception! Since BFA our target is to dip into Mythic and we continue this in Dragonflight! We have an active community both inside and outside of the game(discord)! As a guild, we have a number of active members that do different things in-game together. Looking for more ppl in 10.0.5!
Raid Days (Server time):
Mythic Mornings
Apply here:
or contact me or one of our officers, in game, or add us on the socials below
Contact us in game or via Discord - Battletag: GM: c0re#2104, Officer: Teshiburu#2980 – Discord - GM: jaycore#8306, Officer: Teshiburu#4993
SaltyGits plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Wed | 19:00 | 3 hours |
Sun | 19:00 | 3 hours |
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SaltyGits is recruiting!
Raids, Dungeons, Social
What activities is SaltyGits recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in SaltyGits?