Influx - Kazzak - EU
Influx, formerly known as Necrosis reborn is a guild on kazzak, looking for some new raiders to bolster our roster.
We are a chill guild aiming to have fun while raiding, but also progress to the best of our abilities. We aim to have fun most of all. We do expect our raiders to improve, read tactics and be prepared for raids, but not at the expense of fun. You don't have to quit your dayjob and sell your soul to join us!
Our goal as a guild is to get Ahead of the curve, and we have in every raid since Emerald nightmare and everything after that is a bonus. We do want to dabble into mythics, but thats the secondary goal. Having fun and clearing heroic is the main push for us and then trying to get into mythic is the next step.
We raid every Monday and Wednesday from 20:15 to 23:00 Servertime Kazzak EU. We are looking for members with high attendence, close to 100%, but we understand that life has its own will from time to time and things do come up. Our only hard "requirement" is that you let us know before hand if you can't make the raid.
If you're interested in joining us, you can either send us a message in-game directly or through Discord. You can also sign up to our Guilds of Wow page here:
Contacts: Drathzaan (discord glowpipe#9781) - Kazzak
Contact information hasn't been set
Influx plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mon | 19:00 | 3 hours |
Wed | 19:00 | 3 hours |
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