Looking for qualitative players with a mindset of pushing for better progress for Nerub-ar Palace and also bolstering our ranks to improve and reach the aims of being one of the world's best 3-day raiding guilds in The War Within.
Who are we?
NME was created by players with similar goals and ambitions partway through Aberrus and experience of the guild-management varies from WR 50 to 500. Our ambition is to take this project to hall of fame at first and push for even more within the "War Within". We are an extremely competitive bunch, constantly looking to push the team and our own gameplay forward invidivudually, but most importantly as a team. We have a very experienced core of players, some having played all across top world rankings. We have built a strong community within the team of people who want to actively play and progress the guild and not just raid log. The average age range in the guild is between 25-35 with players from all over the Europe.
NME Raid History
• Aberrus: WR 511
• Amirdrassil: WR 300ish and disbanded for break till WoW:TWW
Raiding Schedule
• Wednesday 19:00-23:00 • Thursday 19:00-23:00 • Sunday 19:00-23:00 (Only first 2 weeks of a tier) • Monday 19:00-23:00
What can NME provide to you
• A very experienced leadership team, that puts in time and dedication nearly as a full-time job, • Constant raid collaboration and discussion, • A passion for the game and progressing with a team, • Preparation & experience in Beta/PTR raid testing.
What can you provide in NME
• We REQUIRE 1 ALT For split-raiding at the start of the tier to guarantee best of loot we can for main raiding characters! • The ability to ADAPT: keeping up with current class balancing and tuning • Current or previous end game raid experience. • Reliability, we expect 99% attendance • Punctuality, keeping the team waiting is not okay. • The ability to listen. A microphone is a MUST. • The ability to take criticism in a constructive manner and not react emotionally to it. • Acceptance that you might not be in for every progression fight. • You are a team player that puts the guilds best interest in front of your own.
We are always looking for exceptional players of any class or roll, even if it is not listed in our "what do we need" list. We want confident raiders who know that they can take a challenge head on and meet our standards.
Apply here: https://discord.gg/2EHyAUR68r
If you do not hear from us within 3 days then you can consider us passing on your application as you are currently not what we are looking for.
Contact Information Discord: https://discord.gg/2EHyAUR68r
On behalf of everyone in we would like to wish you all the very best of luck in the game.
NME plays 3 times per week for a total of 12 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mon | 18:00 | 4 hours |
Wed | 18:00 | 4 hours |
Thu | 18:00 | 4 hours |
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Raids, Dungeons, Social
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