Formerly known as Project Questionmark
We DO NOT recruit for the bench. All spot's are competitive and are merit based. Questionmark is looking for high quality applicants
We are always interested in exceptional players, raid spots in our roster are always going to be competitive. If you feel you are better than one of our current raiders (and have the logs/progression to back that up) do not hesitate to apply, regardless of class & spec. We do not consider returning players, please provide logs from recent content.
What makes us unique?
Our core has been together for the majority of BFA were we were pushing CE on a tight 2 day a week schedule. As a guild we have a lot of emphasis on promoting a healthy balance between raiding and real life commitments. The days we do raid we want to be of the highest quality and efficiency possible.
Our primary goal within the game is to maintain an environment where players who are at the top of their game can get the absolute maximum out of their time spent raiding.
Raiding and raid preparation
• You have a deep insight into your own class and spec while also having a solid understanding of other classes and roles in a raid environment. • You have a strong sense of awareness, surviving and adapting rapidly to any situation should present no problem for you. • We expect you to maximise you character’s potential outside of raids be that farming m+, PvP, Benthic gear (or any equivalent system, Azerite levels or Essences. We do not want people who simply raid log and put little into their characters. • Doing your own research (I.e. watching videos & looking at logs) • You continuously seek to improve yourself and innovate your gameplay
• You can attend most (if not all) raids. • You're able to tell us up front when you aren’t available.
• Communication is key, in and out of raids. Please be able to speak & write in English properly. • Understanding raid setups can change for progression and that you may be benched. • You posses a healthy portion of common sense and use it. • We value your opinion and you will get room to express yourself, but you also know when to be quiet and listen. • You must be able to receive constructive criticism. • A good sense of humor is a great plus.
Application form: We will get back to you with an answer asap. Please note that if you put in no effort into your answers, we will not put in effort to give you a response!
Qitarah#21445 (bnet) | Qitarah#6135 (Discord) - General enquiries & Recruitment. Amon#0600 (Discord) - Boosting enquiries & Anything tank related.
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Questionmark is not recruiting at this time.
What activities is Questionmark recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Questionmark?