Who are we?
Rebels-Sylvanas is an old group of friends that have come together to kill raid bosses on the highest difficulty. We are friendly and experienced raiders and have been raiding mythic for a while. We offer a chill and mature raiding atmosphere.
**Goals: **
We are aiming for CE in TWW. Our guild's raiding goals are not focused on achieving world-first clears, nor are we aiming to be among the last to complete content. We want good progress in a chill and mature environment.
We are looking for people who are like minded, who want to push mythic raiding and kill as many bosses as possible. We need people who are willing to progress, and are not afraid of a few wipes. Ready to take responsibility for their own mistakes and the ability to improve. Come prepared and perform to the best of your ability.
Team members are always running the occasional m+ and we are always looking for more players who enjoy runing high m+.
Raid Nights: Thursday-Sunday-Tuesday 21.00-23.30 ST
We are actively seeking dedicated, progression-focused players to join our Mythic team. Any class considered, we encourage applications from individuals who can demonstrate exceptional performance regardless of class.
If you are interested please reach out to:
Ingame: Deemonblade-Sylvanas
Battlenet: Siddlinur#2922
Discord: deemon9021
As well you can contact the following players ingame: Sylvanas - Hool, Snipez, Deemonblade
In game: Deemonblade-Sylvanas. Discord: deemon9021
Rebels plays 3 times per week for a total of 10h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Tue | 21:00 | 3h 30m |
Thu | 21:00 | 3h 30m |
Sun | 21:00 | 3h 30m |
This data is based on Rebels's recent reports.
Rebels is recruiting!
What activities is Rebels recruiting for?
Not Set
What is the primary language used in Rebels?