Chaos Squad is a 3-day raiding guild (2 days for progress + 1 alt run) looking for dedicated raiders to bolster our raid roster. We are a guild with a good atmosphere and lots of active players, both for raiding and M+. We are currently 3/9 Mythic and are recruiting for our further progress!
Though our main focus as a guild is raiding, we also have numerous players running keys at levels 2-20+ and an always active guild chat where people help each other out or joke around together.
Our raid schedule:
Starting January 2024:
Mythic: Monday and Thursday 20:00-22:30 ST (+01:00 CET), invites starting at 19:45
Heroic: Saturday 20:00-22:30 ST (+01:00 CET), invites starting at 19:45
What we are looking for in new members:
Dedicated raiders for mythic progress and heroic re-clears
Showing up on time for raids and coming prepared with both gear and knowledge of tactics
Focusing on tactics over parses
Communication and contributing to a friendly and positive atmosphere in the guild and raids
Joining Discord and having the Method Raid Tools addon installed is mandatory for raids
What we offer:
A dedicated raid team for progressing and enjoying the game together
A fun community with players of different ages and from different countries
Active mythic+ players ranging from +2s to +20s or higher
„Keys for the vault“, where higher geared players sometimes offer +20 keys to complete with lower geared guildies, helping people less confident in m+ with getting better vault rewards
Achievement runs for the current raid tier towards the end of the season
Realm: Sylvanas
Language: English
Faction: Cross-Faction
Focus: Raiding
You can contact me on BattleNet @ Nerria#21249 or Discord @ .nerria
Chaos Squad plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mon | 19:00 | 3 hours |
Thu | 19:00 | 3 hours |
Chaos Squad is recruiting!
What activities is Chaos Squad recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Chaos Squad?