++Hello and welcome to Soulshape!++
Our guild was formed in February 2021 and we have finished the last three tiers with Cutting Edge.
Socials are also welcome!
Our raid times are as follows:
Sunday: 19:30 - 23:00 Server Time
Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time
Limited Time Only Thursdays: heroic raiding OR mythic raiding at the start of a tier for a limited amount of time (4 weeks)!
++About us:++
We are a small group of friends who have transferred from a tiny realm to Tarren-Mill to start our own guild. We have successfully established a Mythic Raiding Roster and were able to get Cutting Edge for the third time with our guild. Getting and ensuring everybody CE is also our goal for every single upcoming tier. Besides our focus on raiding, we also love doing M+ and PvP, and are planning to get some guild events up & running in the future.
++What are we looking for?++
We expect you to bring the right mindset and the willingness to learn. You should at least have 95% attendance and be motivated to raid an extra day now and then if needed as well. We are not looking for people who are set into tight schedules and can barely make it to the raids, as we might also add an extra day at the beginning/ end of a tier. You should have knowledge of your class, be willing to improve and most importantly enjoy your time in our guild not only during raids, but also on off times.
** ---- **We are currently recruiting for the Vault of the Incarnates! ** ---- **
We expect your main to be horde!
We are currently looking for the following classes:
• we are currently looking for a Holy Paladin, Preservation Evoker or a Holy Priest! • we are currently looking for an experienced Mage, Death Knight, Warrior, Demon Hunter or Enhancement Shaman to bolster our ranks!
Even though our main focus is on raiding, we would like to point out that socials are very much welcome as well. Whether you would like to apply as a raider or a social, if you are 20+, feel like you have the right mindset and attitude and think you could be a great fit for our guild, feel free to contact us and we can have a chat!
Discord: Lissa#4960 Rival#8778
If you prefer filling out a form instead, you can do it here: https://forms.gle/D7DAHEGGwmER4EV59
In this case we will contact you back within 48 hours if we are interested!
Discord: Smashin#5988 thinasy#8171 Rival#8778 Lissa#4960
Soulshape plays 2 times per week for a total of 6h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Wed | 19:00 | 3 hours |
Sun | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
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Soulshape is not recruiting at this time.
What activities is Soulshape recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Soulshape?