We are a 2 night, semi-hardcore English Speaking raiding guild.
Mist Of Pandaria + All Raids prior - Cutting Edge + Full Clear within the tier(before CE existed)
Battle For Azeroth
The War Within
Recruitment All Classes Except Tank
Mythic raiding experience is desired but not required. We understand that high skilled games have transferable skills as long as this can be proven.
About us
Raid Schedule Wednesday 20:30 to 23:30 (Server Time) Thursday 20:30 to 23:30 (Server Time)
How to Apply
We require all applications to be submitted in writing on Discord before joining any voice chat. If you're unwilling to take five minutes to complete an application, you may not be the type of player we're looking for.
Apply Via
Message in Game or DIRECT (Discord ID) • Kaption/Kraption - Discord Name = Kaption(GM) • Larill - Discord Name Larill (Officer) • Jú - In game only
Audacity plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Wed | 19:30 | 3 hours |
Thu | 19:30 | 3 hours |
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Audacity is recruiting!
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