We are iSiege a newly formed guild with big goals!! We expect raiders to be prepared for each raid night and respect the time everyone else puts in.
We have memes and jokes on trash but focus on pull as we aim to keep pull counts low and boss kills high.
We value executing mechanics well over big throbbing parses during progression, wave it about on reclear. And above all, enjoying raid and having a good atmosphere is what we aim for.
If you have any questions or want to try out for the raid team contact us, contact us! Discord: sebbeofc or awaax99.. Bnet: sebbeofc#2171 or aWaaX#21654
iSiege plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Thu | 19:30 | 3 hours |
Sun | 19:30 | 3 hours |
This data is based on iSiege's recent reports.
iSiege is recruiting!
Raids, Dungeons
What activities is iSiege recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in iSiege?