Nocuous Consisting of a core of highly motivated and skilled veteran players, Nocuous seeks to foster a serious & competitive, yet enjoyable high-end raiding environment. Having gained nearly 250 US ranks since its inception, Nocuous is seeking to make big advances in the competitive raiding scene.
Recruitment Outside of high numerical performance, the primary attributes we are looking for in recruits are versatile skill-sets, solid teamwork, personal accountability and a passion for the game. We are seeking recruits who are not complacent and look to grow as a player, this means being open to an atmosphere with detailed and concise criticism. We are looking for recruits who understand the importance of going above and beyond when it comes to raid preparation.
Raid history Sanctum of Domination - US 146 Castle Nathria - US 381
Raid Hours Regular Schedule: Tuesday - Thursday 10 pm - 1 am EST
Next tier, we will be adding an extra day on SUNDAY for the first 2-3 weeks of progression in order to leverage more progression Recruitment needs:
Healer Disc priest Melee DPS Rogue DK
Ranged DPS: Boomkin Warlock Spriest
Recruitment Contact Raid lead/GM: Whammer#1941(Btag) Whammer41#4591(Discord) Officer: Cjsu#1139 (Btag) nemofex#2794(Discord) Officer: Rev3M#1644(Btag) Rev 3M#2440(Discord)
If you can compete with anyone on our roster, we want to speak with you. Apply using the link below
Discord whammer41
Nocuous plays 4 times per week for a total of 12 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mon | 03:00 | 3 hours |
Wed | 03:00 | 3 hours |
Thu | 03:00 | 3 hours |
Fri | 03:00 | 3 hours |
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Nocuous is not recruiting at this time.
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