Sizzler is a one night a week progression raiding team residing on US Bleeding Hollow, founded within the community of A Reddit Dystopia. Our group consists of people of all ages, with different raiding backgrounds. Having great gear to join doesn't have to be a hindrance to joining a raid team; as long as you have the drive to improve, our officers and raid leaders are willing to work with you to help you become the best raider you can be.
Our team became established during Nighthold, and since then, we have developed into a great group of raiders with Mythic on the horizon. Our team isn't only a raiding team though, we have a number of highly successful M+ groups that run throughout the week, and encourage everyone to group up with each other and give M+ a whirl.
We currently run on Saturdays, 8 p.m. EST - 11 p.m. EST.
We love how active our community is, and really thrive on our members' participation, friendliness, and laid-back energy. What we look for in our raiders:
-Don't be a douche canoe
-Openness to improvement
-Knowledge of your class, spec(s), and gearing choice
-Enthusiasm about raiding
If all this sounds good or you want to know more, feel free to add Rynn#11502 to chat!
Current Prog: 6/11 N
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Sizzler is recruiting!
What activities is Sizzler recruiting for?
Not Set
What is the primary language used in Sizzler?