Exodus is a Mythic raiding guild striving to defeat every raid boss of the current Mythic tier before the start of the next season on a two night, six hour a week raid schedule. Our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier.
We utilize the addon RCLootCouncil for gear distribution. Everyone on the roster is able to select an option (BiS, Upgrade, Sidegrade, Catalyst, etc.) for each piece of eligible loot to express interest and see the current loot session for full transparency. Overall upgrade quality, item rarity, attendance, and individual player skill/effort are all taken into consideration, especially when awarding highly competitive and rare items.
What we expect from you: Positive attitude - Flexibility between specs (As needed) - Good attendance and communication if you'll be missing - Ability to maintain your character's progression throughout the tier
What to expect from us: Mythic progression that maintains momentum throughout the tier - Experienced, prepared and competitive leadership - Consumables and repairs - Assistance to improve your character inside and outside of raid - Active M+ groups - A raid team focused on completing raids and having fun - Consistent messaging and polling for involvement in group decisions
Battle.net (superspike#1332, MPC3RD#1400, Icedp#1141 ) or Discord (superspike89, mpc3rd, icedp)
Exodus plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Tue | 00:00 | 3 hours |
Thu | 00:00 | 3 hours |
Exodus is recruiting!
What activities is Exodus recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Exodus?