Resus was a social/casual raiding guild for the past 9 years and are now transitioning to be CE focused. The guild playerbase is fairly mature and solution focused, our goal is to have fun defeating bosses. With 2 raid teams within the guild, one for those keen to push content and the second be apart of an old community of friends there is something for everyone. If interested please feel free to reach out! :)
Team 1 raid times: Wednesday/Sunday 7:30 - 10:30pm server time
Team 2 raid times: Thursdays 7:30pm -10:30pm server time
Discord contact: Hammyresus / Btag Hammy#1551 / cocaineyoghurt / BTag: Doinus#1907 Disc: Durlu
Resus plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Wed | 08:30 | 3 hours |
Sun | 08:30 | 3 hours |
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