1,000 toon guild, Our goal is to have multiple raid teams and various different activity going on like Raiding, M+ & RBG's!
Team Name: Incoherent Leader: @MISH DPS Lead: Open Assists: @Mans / @Beny Dates & Time: Thursday/Sunday 8:30-11PM Server Open Positions: looking for a mage, monk, warrior, and a shammy healer. Requirements: Pref ilvl 430+, Must be in discord, ambition to progress. Direct Message Mishbish in game or Discord if interested
Team Name: Pandora's Box Raid Leader: Pândoriâ (@Pândoriâ) , Deeva (@Deeva) DPS Leader: Open Spot Healer Leader: Open Spot Date & Time: Friday & Saturday 730-10 PM Server Time Open Positions: Heals, DPS Requirements: ILVL 415+, must be in discord and ambition to learn / progress
Team Name: Morth Raid Leader: @Morth Assists: @Imadruidlawl or @CHANCO Dates & Time: Saturday 6-9pm CST & Sunday 11am-2pm Open Positions: Healers & dps Requirements: Must be in discord, Must be Mythic ready!
Discord: _morth or Morth#6698
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