Looking for quality pixel killers to fill out our roster out for DF and beyond. Do you have what it takes to be the all mighty AOTC - a bit behind the curve, but only raid one day a week? THEN LOOK NO FURTHER! We like to think of this as casual yet not stupid raiding...flasks/food/repairs paid for. We're not looking to make a second job out of raiding, but we are looking for people that don't stand in fire thinking it's a buff. Currently AOTC all tiers for the last 3 expansions. Raids are Saturday 8-12 CST. We tend to take small breaks in between tiers (Alot of people play other games, family time, or just alt) and then come back 2-4 weeks prior to "knock the rust off" - and/or gear any mains that have switched if wanted/needed. Cross-realm/faction raiding is fine, but if we got close to 20 - I'd like to expand us into Mythic a bit before we take our break to make the next tier easier - and maybe have a bit more challenge for our players.
Can discord me (kodabonk#9396) or bnet Koda#1298.
Defiant plays 1 times per week for a total of 4 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Sat | 13:00 | 4 hours |
This data is based on Defiant's recent reports.
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