This guild is founded from a group Mythic players whose goal is to get Cutting Edge by creating a good foundation with good fundamentals. We have mythic experience and are hand picking a brand new roster in line with our fundamentals and experience in knowing what works and what does not.
We anticipate finishing recruiting in the following weeks to continue mythic progression now and achieve CE for next season. We believe that with perseverance we can create a fantastic team even as we compete against full rosters.
We raid Tue/Thu 8:30 - 11:30 PM EST and incorporate mythic keys into the other nights, which brings me to say that we’re all together too because we want to be together, creating a community where joining general chat is looked forward to. Any questions should be directed to the people below:
RL- Btag: Thiskid#1457 Discord: Crusherthebomb#7618 GM - Btag:Valbori#1249 Discord: Waitstepbro1 Officer - Btag: JuicyJ#1334 Discord: J00ji Officer - Btag: Poonelly#11601 Discord: Poonely
RL- Btag: Thiskid#1457 Discord: Crusherthebomb#7618 GM - Btag:Valbori#1249 Discord: Waitstepbro1 Officer - Btag: JuicyJ#1334 Discord: J00ji Officer - Btag: Poonelly#11601 Discord: Poonely
Killjoy plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Wed | 01:30 | 3 hours |
Fri | 01:30 | 3 hours |
This data is based on Killjoy's recent reports.
Killjoy is recruiting!
Raids, Dungeons, Social
What activities is Killjoy recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Killjoy?