Purplexity is a Proudmoore team of late night players who enjoy heroic raid progression.
We raid Wednesday/Thursday 9 pm to 11 pm PST because we like our weekends to be free, and it is irritating to raid on Tuesday nights.
We have three membership ranks.
Social members are people who enjoy playing late at night. Bonus: Our Wednesday raid is a "relaxed" evening where we extend an invitation to our Social members to join us without any commitment to attendance or progression.
Raider members are not quite progression ready for one reason or another. That reason may even be attendance. Generally they are expected to be around Wednesdays but generally are not a part of the core progression team.
Yes, we have a rank for progression raiding and we just wanted to make it sound really cool. A Raider Royale has an attendance requirement and raids both nights in pursuit of the team AOTC.
You can reach me at grimthane on discord, or VeryGrim#1543 on Battle.net.
Discord: nivthefox or in game at Niv#1635.
Purplexity plays 2 times per week for a total of 4 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Thu | 04:00 | 2 hours |
Fri | 04:00 | 2 hours |
This data is based on Purplexity's recent reports.
Purplexity is not recruiting at this time.
Raids, Dungeons
What activities is Purplexity recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Purplexity?