Icon has been together in some form since Molten Core. We've raided just about everything in the game. We consistently achieve AOTC every tier, usually relatively early on in the tier, and we venture into Mythic based on how much fun we’re having and the strength of our roster.
We are what I will lovingly call ‘Try Hard Casual.’ This means we are not quick to bench people, unless it’s clear that the composition we’re bringing is not going to work, and those people are welcome back the next reset. This does not mean we are bad at the game, generally speaking. Most of our raid team would make the cut in a dedicated Mythic guild, but we’re generally at a point in our lives where we value time away from the game as much as we do time in the game.
Our core players all maintain KSM throughout the seasons, and most will push to get portals done and whatever other achievements we feel like throughout the season. Groups are plentiful when the game is active, and even when the newness of patches die off, most can be summoned with a discord ping.
We play other games together quite a bit, and generally try to have a fun, understanding, and welcoming atmosphere. We also generally try and meet up once a year IRL, and have a big party for a few days. .
What are we looking for?
Our raid times are 9PM - 11PM CST, on Thursdays and Mondays. For the first half of the tier, we run alt raids regularly, often progressing them into Heroic as the will of the people demands. We’re currently not recruiting anything specific, just looking to bolster our roster for the next tier, we’ve gone pretty deep into Mythic in the past and are always looking to get back in there.
If you're interested, hit me up on Discord sarin1232 or on Battle.net (Zeiss#1511)
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