Best Perf. Avg
Median Perf. Avg: | 77.6 |
Kills Logged: | 45 |
All Star Points:
No talents found.
0 / 0 Normal
0 / 0 Normal
0 / 0 Normal
Median Perf. Avg: | 77.6 |
Kills Logged: | 45 |
Dungeon | Best %
| Highest Points
| Runs
| Fastest
| Med
| All Stars | |
Points | Rank
| ||||||
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 04000$ 40 | 0001800$ 180.0 | 00003$ 3 | 03710889$1:01:50(+10) | 00100$ 1 | 18000$ 180.00 | 02465110$ 246511 |
City of Threads
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 09710$ 97 | 0003250$ 325.0 | 00005$ 5 | 01890709$31:30(+10) | 09284$ 92 | 32500$ 325.00 | 00198590$ 19859 |
Grim Batol
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 09635$ 96 | 0003230$ 323.0 | 00005$ 5 | 01912351$31:52(+10) | 09243$ 92 | 32300$ 323.00 | 00273180$ 27318 |
Mists of Tirna Scithe
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 09703$ 97 | 0003270$ 327.0 | 00007$ 7 | 01502291$25:02(+10) | 09456$ 94 | 32700$ 327.00 | 00497500$ 49750 |
Siege of Boralus
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 09833$ 98 | 0003260$ 326.0 | 00007$ 7 | 01716212$28:36(+10) | 08826$ 88 | 32600$ 326.00 | 00251260$ 25126 |
The Dawnbreaker
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 09717$ 97 | 0003320$ 332.0 | 00003$ 3 | 01316507$21:56(+10) | 09232$ 92 | 33200$ 332.00 | 00252900$ 25290 |
The Necrotic Wake
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 09854$ 98 | 0003230$ 323.0 | 00006$ 6 | 01793027$29:53(+10) | 06737$ 67 | 32300$ 323.00 | 00337270$ 33727 |
The Stonevault
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 09788$ 97 | 0003310$ 331.0 | 00009$ 9 | 01414893$23:34(+10) | 09212$ 92 | 33100$ 331.00 | 00118260$ 11826 |
To learn more about how rankings work on the site, you can read the rankings guide. A rank with a dark gold background is considered "at risk", since it is using tricks that will likely be hotfixed at some point in the future. If an in-game hotfix is released, then the rank will be removed. Removed ranks have a dark red background.
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