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0 / 0 Normal
0 / 0 Normal
0 / 0 Normal
Median Perf. Avg: | 24.1 |
Kills Logged: | 13 |
Dungeon | Best %
| Highest Points
| Runs
| Fastest
| Med
| All Stars | |
Points | Rank
| ||||||
Brackenhide Hollow
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 01666$ 16 | 0000800$ 80.0 | 00002$ 2 | 01088689$18:08(+7) | 01666$ 16 | 12000$ 120.00 | 02136930$ 213693 |
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03306$ 33 | 0001152$ 115.3 | 00002$ 2 | 01186793$19:46(+13) | 01903$ 19 | 17289$ 172.89 | 01982420$ 198242 |
Halls of Infusion
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03574$ 35 | 0001081$ 108.1 | 00002$ 2 | 01408657$23:28(+12) | 02939$ 29 | 20840$ 208.40 | 01542860$ 154286 |
Neltharion's Lair
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 00000$ - | 0000000$ - | 00000$ 0 | 00000000$- | 00000$ - | -$ - | 00000000$ - |
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03519$ 35 | 0001063$ 106.4 | 00002$ 2 | 01607449$26:47(+12) | 03130$ 31 | 20469$ 204.69 | 01654630$ 165463 |
The Underrot
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 04021$ 40 | 0001291$ 129.2 | 00002$ 2 | 01632252$27:12(+14) | 02921$ 29 | 23608$ 236.08 | 01551980$ 155198 |
The Vortex Pinnacle
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 03372$ 33 | 0000938$ 93.8 | 00002$ 2 | 01251203$20:51(+10) | 02444$ 24 | 17322$ 173.22 | 01805050$ 180505 |
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Parses will lock in once every 24 hours, starting at noon UTC.
| 01861$ 18 | 0000839$ 84.0 | 00001$ 1 | 01431020$23:51(+8) | 01861$ 18 | 12597$ 125.97 | 02019710$ 201971 |
To learn more about how rankings work on the site, you can read the rankings guide. A rank with a dark gold background is considered "at risk", since it is using tricks that will likely be hotfixed at some point in the future. If an in-game hotfix is released, then the rank will be removed. Removed ranks have a dark red background.
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