We will always consider exceptional applications, no matter your role or class.
Looking for high-quality apps of all roles and classes, but especially a havoc DH. Reach out to rosiepetal on discord if you have any questions.
Pescorus is one of the most efficient guilds in the world.
Our ambition is to better our performance from tier to tier while not increasing raiding hours, maintaining a strict 2-day schedule. This challenge motivates us to prepare well and execute cleanly within the raid.
An example of what we do in order to compete on a 2 day schedule is our GM and Raid Leader preparing all our Weakauras. You can find some here.
Genuinely looking to improve as a player and as a guild. We actively talk to players we feel are underperforming, and we're in an environment where such feedback is appreciated. We do post-tier reviews to identify areas for improvement, e.g. loot distribution, comp consideration, preparation gaps, individual mistakes, etc.
Treating others with respect. Regardless of how long you've been here or how well you play, being toxic is a quick boot. This extends to being a team player - put the guild's interests above your own, we don't tolerate drama.
Being comfortable speaking on Discord. Typically, the most communicative players perform the best in our environment.
Good attendance. We typically maintain a roster of ~24 players and expect them to be there for 95%+ of progression raids.
Commitment. We aren't a retirement home. Do not apply if you are just looking to drop down to 2 days and relax. Do not apply if you hate the game. You need to be committed to prepare well for prog raids, and max out your character upgrades.
Exceptional players. The application is about the whole package: we look for outstanding qualities whether that's performance as evidenced in logs, experience or even contribution to prep. We have several players with experience at World First level and others that have only recently started playing but have shown fast progress.
No overtime or extra days. We have done normal and heroic within the 2 day/8 hours until it's not required and are the only top 2 day guild to do so (see raids/week column on guildranks.com). We may move raid days on a poll-basis when progress coincides with holidays but won't exceed 2 days/8hrs per week.
Starting in 10.2, we included 1-2 split raids within normal raid hours to accelerate gearing and begin Mythic earlier. We are continuing this for the forseeable future, but we assess every tier depending on how powerful the gear is. Do note that alts are currently not mandatory.
Applications can be made by filling out our form. It will be made public to all our active raiders for feedback.
Please only contact us through Discord, and not in-game. You can find us here.
If you have any specific questions, or just want to know more about the guild or available spots, please contact rosiepetal on Discord.
We have a strong, close-knit roster with low turnover. To give an idea of this low turnover and acceptance rates, from August 2023 to July 2024 we had not recruited anyone.
If your application is rejected, please re-apply when you see spots open as it's not always an indication of the quality of your app and we may just not have any spots at the time you applied. It's always worth having a chat so we can be aware of your interest.
For boosting enquiries, please contact lordsaunders on Discord.
Pescorus plays 2 times per week for a total of 8 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mon | 19:00 | 4 hours |
Thu | 19:00 | 4 hours |
This data is based on Pescorus's recent reports.
Pescorus is recruiting!
What activities is Pescorus recruiting for?
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