Valhalla is an AOTC focused, Heroic Raid Guild. We raid on Fri & Sat from 8PM to 11PM CST We have all AOTC since Legion Valhalla is recruiting All classes for the War Within We are experienced raiders with a solid leadership team. We are looking for friendly, patient, team oriented players. Valhalla has several Mythic plus teams that are successful at doing high level keys.
Contact Az at: Battlenet: Azhurea#1665 Discord: .azhurea
You may also contact our other officers via Discord:
Coco: ramennudle Shangra: shangra
Contact Az at: Battlenet: Azhurea#1665 Discord: .azhurea You may also contact our other officers via Discord: Coco: ramennudle Scotch: .dannyboy.
Valhalla plays 2 times per week for a total of 6 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Sat | 01:00 | 3 hours |
Sun | 01:00 | 3 hours |
This data is based on Valhalla's recent reports.
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Valhalla is recruiting!
Raids, Dungeons
What activities is Valhalla recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Valhalla?