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Rank | Name | Score |
1 | 652.83 | |
2 | 605.16 | |
3 | 595.78 | |
4 | 591.18 | |
5 | 561.00 | |
6 | 560.14 | |
7 | 558.72 | |
8 | 555.44 | |
9 | 555.14 | |
10 | 553.65 |
Rank | Name | Score |
1 | 588.69 | |
2 | 517.40 | |
3 | 506.22 | |
4 | 492.30 | |
5 | 487.79 | |
6 | 476.21 | |
7 | 476.07 | |
8 | 456.59 | |
9 | 456.54 | |
10 | 434.88 |
Rank | Name | Score |
1 | 331.34 | |
2 | 296.42 | |
3 | 270.88 | |
4 | 246.03 | |
5 | 244.57 | |
6 | 244.00 | |
7 | 242.13 | |
8 | 217.97 | |
9 | 214.97 | |
10 | 211.42 |
Rank | Name | Ilvl
| Date
| Duration
| Talents
| Trnk
| ||
1 | 699 | 93,700.6 | 1432485497765$May 24 | 272006$4:32 |
2 | 703 | 75,123.3 | 1427650996367$Mar 29 | 184841$3:04 |
3 | 697 | 70,590.3 | 1429465645785$Apr 19 | 207117$3:27 |
4 | 693 | 69,899.8 | 1424803402190$Feb 24 | 206746$3:26 |
5 | 681 | 68,456.6 | 1424200274989$Feb 17 | 268634$4:28 |
6 | 702 | 67,303.9 | 1433443650933$Jun 4 | 145918$2:25 |
7 | 686 | 66,798.6 | 1426450522851$Mar 15 | 260044$4:20 |
8 | 700 | 66,359.2 | 1430414684556$Apr 30 | 178155$2:58 |
9 | 701 | 66,307.3 | 1433443650933$Jun 4 | 145918$2:25 |
10 | 680 | 65,927.8 | 1422467777913$Jan 28 | 256839$4:16 |
Rank | Name | Ilvl
| Date
| Duration
| Talents
| Trnk
| ||
1 | 700 | 63,605.6 | 1434478240569$Jun 16 | 172998$2:52 |
2 | 697 | 62,019.0 | 1429466426526$Apr 19 | 166257$2:46 |
3 | 701 | 60,340.5 | 1427651474065$Mar 29 | 162511$2:42 |
4 | 703 | 59,792.8 | 1427651474065$Mar 29 | 162511$2:42 |
5 | 701 | 59,693.5 | 1429466426526$Apr 19 | 166257$2:46 |
6 | 700 | 58,836.4 | 1430415401850$Apr 30 | 155967$2:35 |
7 | 701 | 57,347.7 | 1427651474065$Mar 29 | 162511$2:42 |
8 | 701 | 57,186.2 | 1429466426526$Apr 19 | 166257$2:46 |
9 | 700 | 57,177.0 | 1430415401850$Apr 30 | 155967$2:35 |
10 | 700 | 56,980.0 | 1430415401850$Apr 30 | 155967$2:35 |
Rank | Name | Ilvl
| Date
| Duration
| Talents
| Trnk
| ||
1 | 696 | 90,191.9 | 1435002555495$Jun 22 | 221043$3:41 |
2 | 697 | 85,383.6 | 1428258083795$Apr 5 | 191409$3:11 |
3 | 702 | 82,777.9 | 1428258083795$Apr 5 | 191409$3:11 |
4 | 701 | 82,617.2 | 1427652332150$Mar 29 | 179915$2:59 |
5 | 701 | 81,979.7 | 1430417453119$Apr 30 | 157900$2:37 |
6 | 702 | 80,850.1 | 1429467367990$Apr 19 | 193973$3:13 |
7 | 694 | 80,315.6 | 1433707876743$Jun 7 | 178592$2:58 |
8 | 699 | 80,260.9 | 1430417453119$Apr 30 | 157900$2:37 |
9 | 700 | 80,223.9 | 1434997578570$Jun 22 | 186810$3:06 |
10 | 702 | 80,134.9 | 1434309438544$Jun 14 | 163506$2:43 |
Rank | Name | Ilvl
| Date
| Duration
| Talents
| Trnk
| ||
1 | 700 | 73,730.3 | 1429466818317$Apr 19 | 247055$4:07 |
2 | 701 | 71,680.8 | 1429466818317$Apr 19 | 247055$4:07 |
3 | 700 | 68,366.1 | 1434478788536$Jun 16 | 289013$4:49 |
4 | 682 | 66,552.6 | 1424988535589$Feb 26 | 342978$5:42 |
5 | 686 | 66,001.8 | 1422299617173$Jan 26 | 488158$8:08 |
6 | 703 | 65,763.9 | 1428257484955$Apr 5 | 309576$5:09 |
7 | 673 | 64,980.2 | 1422993978146$Feb 3 | 556367$9:16 |
8 | 694 | 64,322.3 | 1429039925897$Apr 14 | 335298$5:35 |
9 | 701 | 63,540.1 | 1430416651003$Apr 30 | 229307$3:49 |
10 | 681 | 63,507.1 | 1424980904052$Feb 26 | 381274$6:21 |
Rank | Name | Ilvl
| Date
| Duration
| Talents
| Trnk
| ||
1 | 697 | 77,443.7 | 1429467853145$Apr 19 | 198232$3:18 |
2 | 701 | 73,770.5 | 1429467853145$Apr 19 | 198232$3:18 |
3 | 702 | 72,389.4 | 1433444183073$Jun 4 | 179078$2:59 |
4 | 700 | 70,627.6 | 1433444183073$Jun 4 | 179078$2:59 |
5 | 701 | 70,472.7 | 1427652744585$Mar 29 | 198881$3:18 |
6 | 699 | 70,018.4 | 1432239744312$May 21 | 224676$3:44 |
7 | 702 | 69,575.3 | 1429467853145$Apr 19 | 198232$3:18 |
8 | 701 | 68,513.2 | 1433444183073$Jun 4 | 179078$2:59 |
9 | 700 | 68,138.4 | 1434910673214$Jun 21 | 223416$3:43 |
10 | 699 | 68,061.2 | 1435002286906$Jun 22 | 199139$3:19 |
Rank | Name | Ilvl
| Date
| Duration
| Talents
| Trnk
| ||
1 | 702 | 65,510.8 | 1433444564611$Jun 4 | 180749$3:00 |
2 | 702 | 62,740.9 | 1433444564611$Jun 4 | 180749$3:00 |
3 | 701 | 60,655.3 | 1427653178474$Mar 29 | 183945$3:03 |
4 | 701 | 60,464.8 | 1427653178474$Mar 29 | 183945$3:03 |
5 | 701 | 60,376.1 | 1434306514421$Jun 14 | 172174$2:52 |
6 | 701 | 60,042.9 | 1434571101432$Jun 17 | 167172$2:47 |
7 | 700 | 59,723.3 | 1434911789548$Jun 21 | 192387$3:12 |
8 | 695 | 59,560.2 | 1431369005938$May 11 | 183099$3:03 |
9 | 702 | 58,970.0 | 1435003044559$Jun 22 | 203487$3:23 |
10 | 703 | 58,912.1 | 1427653178474$Mar 29 | 183945$3:03 |
Rank | Name | Ilvl
| Date
| Duration
| Talents
| Trnk
| ||
1 | 699 | 79,891.5 | 1433698586283$Jun 7 | 716308$11:56 |
2 | 701 | 74,442.7 | 1435004607830$Jun 22 | 697293$11:37 |
3 | 683 | 74,082.5 | 1422820919294$Feb 1 | 908792$15:08 |
4 | 700 | 73,797.0 | 1434662303863$Jun 18 | 687919$11:27 |
5 | 698 | 73,030.8 | 1431457954648$May 12 | 650789$10:50 |
6 | 702 | 72,770.4 | 1434912954683$Jun 21 | 648357$10:48 |
7 | 682 | 72,563.6 | 1420668292908$Jan 7 | 869184$14:29 |
8 | 698 | 71,845.0 | 1433698586283$Jun 7 | 716308$11:56 |
9 | 702 | 71,477.2 | 1429469005121$Apr 19 | 717748$11:57 |
10 | 699 | 70,664.8 | 1429216178410$Apr 16 | 727733$12:07 |
To learn more about how rankings work on the site, you can read the rankings guide. A rank with a dark gold background is considered "at risk", since it is using tricks that will likely be hotfixed at some point in the future. If an in-game hotfix is released, then the rank will be removed. Removed ranks have a dark red background.