The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric
values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Int
link Require by
- ArchonViewModelsnull
- CharacterA player character. Characters can earn individual rankings and appear in reports.
- CharacterDataThe CharacterData object enables the retrieval of single characters or filtered collections of characters.
- CharacterPaginationnull
- DifficultyA single difficulty for a given raid zone. Difficulties have an integer value representing the actual difficulty, a localized name that describes the difficulty level, and a list of valid sizes for the difficulty level.
- EncounterA single encounter for the game.
- EncounterPhasesnull
- ExpansionA single expansion for the game.
- GameAbilityA single ability for the game.
- GameAbilityPaginationnull
- GameAchievementA single achievement for the game.
- GameAchievementPaginationnull
- GameAffixA single affix for Mythic Keystone dungeons.
- GameClassA single player class for the game.
- GameDataThe game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.
- GameEnchantA single enchant for the game.
- GameEnchantPaginationnull
- GameFactionA faction that a player or guild can belong to. Factions have an integer id used to identify them throughout the API and a localized name describing the faction.
- GameItemA single item for the game.
- GameItemPaginationnull
- GameItemSetA single item set for the game.
- GameItemSetPaginationnull
- GameMapA single map for the game.
- GameMapPaginationnull
- GameNPCA single NPC for the game.
- GameNPCPaginationnull
- GameSpecA spec for a given player class.
- GameZonePaginationnull
- GuildA single guild. Guilds earn their own rankings and contain characters. They may correspond to a guild in-game or be a custom guild created just to hold reports and rankings.
- GuildAttendancePaginationnull
- GuildDataThe GuildData object enables the retrieval of single guilds or filtered collections of guilds.
- GuildPaginationnull
- GuildTagThe tag for a specific guild. Tags can be used to categorize reports within a guild. In the site UI, they are referred to as report tags.
- GuildZoneRankingsA guild's rankings within a zone.
- PartitionA single partition for a given raid zone. Partitions have an integer value representing the actual partition and a localized name that describes what the partition represents. Partitions contain their own rankings, statistics and all stars.
- PhaseMetadataInformation about a phase from a boss encounter.
- PhaseTransitionA spartan representation of phase transitions during a fight.
- PlayerAttendanceAttendance for a specific player on a specific raid night.
- ProgressRaceDataA way to obtain data for the top guilds involved in an ongoing world first or realm first progress race.
- Ranknull
- RateLimitDataA way to obtain your current rate limit usage.
- RegionA single region for the game.
- ReportA single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.
- ReportActorThe ReportActor represents a single player, pet or NPC that occurs in the report.
- ReportArchiveStatusThe archival status of a report.
- ReportDataThe ReportData object enables the retrieval of single reports or filtered collections of reports.
- ReportDungeonPullThe ReportDungeonPull represents a single pull that occurs in a containing dungeon.
- ReportDungeonPullNPCThe ReportDungeonPullNPC represents participation info within a single dungeon pull for an NPC.
- ReportFightThe ReportFight represents a single fight that occurs in the report.
- ReportFightNPCThe ReportFightNPC represents participation info within a single fight for an NPC.
- ReportMapThe ReportMap represents a single map that a fight can occur on.
- ReportMapBoundingBoxThe ReportMapBoundingBox is a box that encloses the positions of all players and enemies in a fight or dungeon pull.
- ReportMasterDataThe ReporMastertData object contains information about the log version of a report, as well as the actors and abilities used in the report.
- ReportPaginationnull
- ServerA single server. Servers correspond to actual game servers that characters and guilds reside on.
- ServerPaginationnull
- SubregionA single subregion. Subregions are used to divide a region into sub-categories, such as French or German subregions of a Europe region.
- UserA single user of the site. Most fields can only be accessed when authenticated as that user with the "view-user-profile" scope.
- UserDataThe user data object contains basic information about users and lets you retrieve specific users (or the current user if using the user endpoint).
- WorldDataThe world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.
- ZoneA single zone from an expansion that represents a raid, dungeon, arena, etc.