
A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Report {
  • # The report code, a unique value used to identify the report.
  • code: String!
  • # The end time of the report. This is a UNIX timestamp representing the timestamp
  • # of the last event contained in the report.
  • endTime: Float!
  • # A set of paginated report events, filterable via arguments like type, source,
  • # target, ability, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change
  • # without notice. Use at your own risk.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # abilityID: Optional. The game id of a specific ability to
  • # filter to.
  • # dataType: Optional. You can filter to a specific subset of
  • # events.
  • # death: Optional. If viewing death events, a specific death to
  • # obtain information for.
  • # difficulty: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific difficulty. By default all fights are included.
  • # encounterID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific boss. By default all fights are included.
  • # endTime: Optional. The end time of the events range to fetch.
  • # fightIDs: Optional. A list of fight ids to include. Fights with
  • # any other id will be excluded.
  • # filterExpression: Optional. An expression in the site's query
  • # language that will be applied as a filter to the events.
  • # hostilityType: Optional. A hostility of 0 indicates a
  • # friendlies view. A hostility of 1 represents enemies.
  • # includeResources: Optional. Whether or not to include detailed
  • # unit resources for actors. Adds substantially to bandwidth, so defaults to off.
  • # killType: Optional. A filter to only include kills, wipes,
  • # encounters or trash.
  • # limit: Optional. How many events to retrieve. Allowed value
  • # ranges are 100-10000. The default value is 300.
  • # sourceAurasAbsent: A comma-separated list of auras that must be
  • # absent on the source for the event to be included.
  • # sourceAurasPresent: A comma-separated list of auras that must
  • # be present on the source for the event to be included.
  • # sourceClass: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific source class. The argument here is the class slug, obtainable from game
  • # data.
  • # sourceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific source actor ID. By default all sources are included.
  • # sourceInstanceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights
  • # to a specific source actor instance ID. By default all instances of an actor are
  • # included.
  • # startTime: Optional. The start time of the events range to
  • # fetch.
  • # targetAurasAbsent: A comma-separated list of auras that must be
  • # absent on the target for the event to be included.
  • # targetAurasPresent: A comma-separated list of auras that must
  • # be present on the target for the event to be included.
  • # targetClass: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific target class. The argument here is the class slug, obtainable from game
  • # data.
  • # targetID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific target actor ID. By default all targets are included.
  • # targetInstanceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights
  • # to a specific target actor instance ID. By default all instances of an actor are
  • # included.
  • # translate: Optional. Whether or not the fight data should be
  • # auto-translated. Defaults to true. Set to false if is a priority, and you do not
  • # care about the names.
  • # useAbilityIDs: Optional. Whether or not to include detailed
  • # ability information. Adds substantially to bandwidth, so defaults to true. Set
  • # to false if you do not want to fetch the master data of the report.
  • # useActorIDs: Optional. Whether or not to include detailed actor
  • # information. Adds substantially to bandwidth, so defaults to true. Set to false
  • # if you do not want to fetch the master data of the report.
  • # viewOptions: Optional. A bitfield set of options used in the
  • # site UI. You can experiment in each view with the options to see what these
  • # values are.
  • # wipeCutoff: Optional. The number of deaths after which all
  • # subsequent events should be ignored.
  • events(
  • abilityID: Float,
  • dataType: EventDataType,
  • death: Int,
  • difficulty: Int,
  • encounterID: Int,
  • endTime: Float,
  • fightIDs: [Int],
  • filterExpression: String,
  • hostilityType: HostilityType,
  • includeResources: Boolean,
  • killType: KillType,
  • limit: Int,
  • sourceAurasAbsent: String,
  • sourceAurasPresent: String,
  • sourceClass: String,
  • sourceID: Int,
  • sourceInstanceID: Int,
  • startTime: Float,
  • targetAurasAbsent: String,
  • targetAurasPresent: String,
  • targetClass: String,
  • targetID: Int,
  • targetInstanceID: Int,
  • translate: Boolean,
  • useAbilityIDs: Boolean,
  • useActorIDs: Boolean,
  • viewOptions: Int,
  • wipeCutoff: Int
  • ): ReportEventPaginator
  • # The number of exported segments in the report. This is how many segments have
  • # been processed for rankings.
  • exportedSegments: Int!
  • # A set of fights with details about participating players.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # difficulty: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific difficulty. By default all fights are included.
  • # encounterID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific boss. By default all fights are included.
  • # fightIDs: Optional. A list of fight ids to include. Fights with
  • # any other id will be excluded.
  • # killType: Optional. A filter to only include kills, wipes,
  • # encounters or trash.
  • # translate: Optional. Whether or not the fight data should be
  • # auto-translated. Defaults to true. Set to false if speed is a priority, and you
  • # do not care about the names.
  • fights(
  • difficulty: Int,
  • encounterID: Int,
  • fightIDs: [Int],
  • killType: KillType,
  • translate: Boolean
  • ): [ReportFight]
  • # A graph of information for a report, filterable via arguments like type, source,
  • # target, ability, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change
  • # without notice. Use at your own risk.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # abilityID: Optional. The game id of a specific ability to
  • # filter to.
  • # dataType: Optional. You can filter to a specific subset of
  • # events.
  • # death: Optional. If viewing death events, a specific death to
  • # obtain information for.
  • # difficulty: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific difficulty. By default all fights are included.
  • # encounterID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific boss. By default all fights are included.
  • # endTime: Optional. The end time of the events range to fetch.
  • # fightIDs: Optional. A list of fight ids to include. Fights with
  • # any other id will be excluded.
  • # filterExpression: Optional. An expression in the site's query
  • # language that will be applied as a filter to the events.
  • # hostilityType: Optional. A hostility of 0 indicates a
  • # friendlies view. A hostility of 1 represents enemies.
  • # killType: Optional. A filter to only include kills, wipes,
  • # encounters or trash.
  • # sourceAurasAbsent: A comma-separated list of auras that must be
  • # absent on the source for the event to be included.
  • # sourceAurasPresent: A comma-separated list of auras that must
  • # be present on the source for the event to be included.
  • # sourceClass: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific source class. The argument here is the class slug, obtainable from game
  • # data.
  • # sourceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific source actor ID. By default all sources are included.
  • # sourceInstanceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights
  • # to a specific source actor instance ID. By default all instances of an actor are
  • # included.
  • # startTime: Optional. The start time of the events range to
  • # fetch.
  • # targetAurasAbsent: A comma-separated list of auras that must be
  • # absent on the target for the event to be included.
  • # targetAurasPresent: A comma-separated list of auras that must
  • # be present on the target for the event to be included.
  • # targetClass: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific target class. The argument here is the class slug, obtainable from game
  • # data.
  • # targetID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific target actor ID. By default all targets are included.
  • # targetInstanceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights
  • # to a specific target actor instance ID. By default all instances of an actor are
  • # included.
  • # translate: Optional. Whether or not the fight data should be
  • # auto-translated. Defaults to true. Set to false if speed is a priority, and you
  • # do not care about the names.
  • # viewOptions: Optional. A bitfield set of options used in the
  • # site UI. You can experiment in each view with the options to see what these
  • # values are.
  • # viewBy: Optional. Whether to view by source, by target or by
  • # ability.
  • # wipeCutoff: Optional. The number of deaths after which all
  • # subsequent events should be ignored.
  • graph(
  • abilityID: Float,
  • dataType: GraphDataType,
  • death: Int,
  • difficulty: Int,
  • encounterID: Int,
  • endTime: Float,
  • fightIDs: [Int],
  • filterExpression: String,
  • hostilityType: HostilityType,
  • killType: KillType,
  • sourceAurasAbsent: String,
  • sourceAurasPresent: String,
  • sourceClass: String,
  • sourceID: Int,
  • sourceInstanceID: Int,
  • startTime: Float,
  • targetAurasAbsent: String,
  • targetAurasPresent: String,
  • targetClass: String,
  • targetID: Int,
  • targetInstanceID: Int,
  • translate: Boolean,
  • viewOptions: Int,
  • viewBy: ViewType,
  • wipeCutoff: Int
  • ): JSON
  • # The guild that the report belongs to. If this is null, then the report was
  • # uploaded to the user's personal logs.
  • guild: Guild
  • # The guild tag that the report belongs to. If this is null, then the report was
  • # not tagged.
  • guildTag: GuildTag
  • # The user that uploaded the report.
  • owner: User
  • # Data from the report's master file. This includes version info, all of the
  • # players, NPCs and pets that occur in the report, and all the game abilities used
  • # in the report.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # translate: Optional. Whether or not the actors and abilities in
  • # the master data should be auto-translated. Defaults to true. Set to false if
  • # speed is a priority, and you do not care about the names of abilities and
  • # actors.
  • masterData(translate: Boolean): ReportMasterData
  • # A table of information for the players of a report, including their specs,
  • # talents, gear, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change
  • # without notice. Use at your own risk.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # difficulty: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific difficulty. By default all fights are included.
  • # encounterID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific boss. By default all fights are included.
  • # endTime: Optional. The end time of the events range to fetch.
  • # fightIDs: Optional. A list of fight ids to include. Fights with
  • # any other id will be excluded.
  • # killType: Optional. A filter to only include kills, wipes,
  • # encounters or trash.
  • # startTime: Optional. The start time of the events range to
  • # fetch.
  • # translate: Optional. Whether or not the fight data should be
  • # auto-translated. Defaults to true. Set to false if speed is a priority, and you
  • # do not care about the names.
  • # includeCombatantInfo: Optional. Whether or not to include
  • # detailed combatant info such as gear in the results.
  • playerDetails(
  • difficulty: Int,
  • encounterID: Int,
  • endTime: Float,
  • fightIDs: [Int],
  • killType: KillType,
  • startTime: Float,
  • translate: Boolean,
  • includeCombatantInfo: Boolean
  • ): JSON
  • # A list of all characters that ranked on kills in the report.
  • rankedCharacters: [Character]
  • # Rankings information for a report, filterable to specific fights, bosses,
  • # metrics, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without
  • # notice. Use at your own risk.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # compare: Optional. Whether or not to compare against rankings
  • # (best scores across the entire tier) or two weeks worth of parses (more
  • # representative of real-world performance).
  • # difficulty: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific difficulty. By default all fights are included.
  • # encounterID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific boss. By default all fights are included.
  • # fightIDs: Optional. A list of fight ids to include. Fights with
  • # any other id will be excluded.
  • # playerMetric: Optional. You can filter to a specific player
  • # metric like dps or hps.
  • # timeframe: Optional. Whether or not the returned report
  • # rankings should be compared against today's rankings or historical rankings
  • # around the time the fight occurred.
  • rankings(
  • compare: RankingCompareType,
  • difficulty: Int,
  • encounterID: Int,
  • fightIDs: [Int],
  • playerMetric: ReportRankingMetricType,
  • timeframe: RankingTimeframeType
  • ): JSON
  • # The region of the report.
  • region: Region
  • # The revision of the report. This number is increased when reports get
  • # re-exported.
  • revision: Int!
  • # The number of uploaded segments in the report.
  • segments: Int!
  • # The start time of the report. This is a UNIX timestamp representing the
  • # timestamp of the first event contained in the report.
  • startTime: Float!
  • # A table of information for a report, filterable via arguments like type, source,
  • # target, ability, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change
  • # without notice. Use at your own risk.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # abilityID: Optional. The game id of a specific ability to
  • # filter to.
  • # dataType: Optional. You can filter to a specific subset of
  • # events.
  • # death: Optional. If viewing death events, a specific death to
  • # obtain information for.
  • # difficulty: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific difficulty. By default all fights are included.
  • # encounterID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific boss. By default all fights are included.
  • # endTime: Optional. The end time of the events range to fetch.
  • # fightIDs: Optional. A list of fight ids to include. Fights with
  • # any other id will be excluded.
  • # filterExpression: Optional. An expression in the site's query
  • # language that will be applied as a filter to the events.
  • # hostilityType: Optional. A hostility of 0 indicates a
  • # friendlies view. A hostility of 1 represents enemies.
  • # killType: Optional. A filter to only include kills, wipes,
  • # encounters or trash.
  • # sourceAurasAbsent: A comma-separated list of auras that must be
  • # absent on the source for the event to be included.
  • # sourceAurasPresent: A comma-separated list of auras that must
  • # be present on the source for the event to be included.
  • # sourceClass: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific source class. The argument here is the class slug, obtainable from game
  • # data.
  • # sourceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific source actor ID. By default all sources are included.
  • # sourceInstanceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights
  • # to a specific source actor instance ID. By default all instances of an actor are
  • # included.
  • # startTime: Optional. The start time of the events range to
  • # fetch.
  • # targetAurasAbsent: A comma-separated list of auras that must be
  • # absent on the target for the event to be included.
  • # targetAurasPresent: A comma-separated list of auras that must
  • # be present on the target for the event to be included.
  • # targetClass: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific target class. The argument here is the class slug, obtainable from game
  • # data.
  • # targetID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights to a
  • # specific target actor ID. By default all targets are included.
  • # targetInstanceID: Optional. Whether or not to filter the fights
  • # to a specific target actor instance ID. By default all instances of an actor are
  • # included.
  • # translate: Optional. Whether or not the fight data should be
  • # auto-translated. Defaults to true. Set to false if speed is a priority, and you
  • # do not care about the names.
  • # viewOptions: Optional. A bitfield set of options used in the
  • # site UI. You can experiment in each view with the options to see what these
  • # values are.
  • # viewBy: Optional. Whether to view by source, by target or by
  • # ability.
  • # wipeCutoff: Optional. The number of deaths after which all
  • # subsequent events should be ignored.
  • table(
  • abilityID: Float,
  • dataType: TableDataType,
  • death: Int,
  • difficulty: Int,
  • encounterID: Int,
  • endTime: Float,
  • fightIDs: [Int],
  • filterExpression: String,
  • hostilityType: HostilityType,
  • killType: KillType,
  • sourceAurasAbsent: String,
  • sourceAurasPresent: String,
  • sourceClass: String,
  • sourceID: Int,
  • sourceInstanceID: Int,
  • startTime: Float,
  • targetAurasAbsent: String,
  • targetAurasPresent: String,
  • targetClass: String,
  • targetID: Int,
  • targetInstanceID: Int,
  • translate: Boolean,
  • viewOptions: Int,
  • viewBy: ViewType,
  • wipeCutoff: Int
  • ): JSON
  • # A title for the report.
  • title: String!
  • # The visibility level of the report. The possible values are 'public', 'private',
  • # and 'unlisted'.
  • visibility: String!
  • # The principal zone that the report contains fights for. Null if no supported
  • # zone exists.
  • zone: Zone
  • # Whether this report has been archived. Events, tables, and graphs for archived
  • # reports are inaccessible unless the retrieving user has a subscription including
  • # archive access.
  • archiveStatus: ReportArchiveStatus
  • # Phase information for all boss encounters observed in this report. This requires
  • # loading fight data, but does not double-charge API points if you load fights and
  • # phases.
  • phases: [EncounterPhases!]
  • }